Assets are the key for lead generation. Make sure that you understand the difference between assets you host and those hosted on other sites, and how you need to connect these assets. Uploading assets into your marketing automation platform is usually as simple as copying and pasting. The only difference is the fact that you might be asked to put some special automations on the asset. Although the steps you take after your asset is uploaded depend on your tool, it’s usually easier than falling off a log.
Assets such as white papers, videos, forms, and landing pages that are hosted on your site are uploaded into your marketing automation platform. Your marketing automation platform allows you to publish these assets and track individual leads engaging with them. If you are hosting assets on another site, one that you don’t control, you still upload the asset to your marketing automation tool, using a custom URL to paste to the other site. The URL is the key item. Whether a site is hosted by you or by someone else, as long as you can obtain the URL and use a custom redirect, you can track the asset.
You can therefore track many more assets than you can normally host on any given solution.